Робот — Альфа

1932год. Робот Альфа созданный Гарри Меем. Способен реагировать на голосовые команды. «Встать» и «Подними руку».

1932: The Alpha robot, which when commanded stands, raises both arms above its head and replies to questions. Alpha was invented by Harry May for the Mullard Valve Company and is on display at London’s Olympia Radio Exhibition. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Также Альфа мог изображать чтение газеты и стрелять из револьвера. Но не умел целиться.

11th July 1932: After fourteen years of work and a cost of over ?6000, brilliant young English scientist Harry May claims to have completed the most perfect robot in the World. The mechanical man can talk, sing, whistle (for half an hour), laugh, carry on a conversation, tell the time and date, fire a revolver and read the small print of a newspaper. The robot has been named Alpha, and was built specifically for the Mullard Valve Company. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)

Альфа в женской ре инкарнации с револьвером.

24 Oct 1934, London, England, UK — Original caption: Alpha, a robot, the invention of professor Harry May of London, England, was displayed before an audience of the press, at Macy’s department store in New York City, October 24. Alpha is made entirely of metal and is controlled entirely by machinery. He stood up and sat down, turned his head to the right and to the left, raised his arms and answered in a human male voice questions put to him by the inventor and audience. A close up of Alpha , the robot. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS